Thursday, May 24, 2012

How To Get A Guy To Propose To You: Make Him Ask For Your Hand In Marriage

You have been going out for a while, and waiting for him to propose to you has already seemed like an eternity. You know that the guy you are with is the one person that you see yourself spending the rest of your life with, but you cannot seem to figure out how to get a guy to propose to you. If this is your current dilemma, then you should worry no more.
Finding out ways to make your guy make that proposal that you have been waiting for might be a little tricky; but if you play your cards right, you might be successful in making him tell you how much he feels about being with you for as long as he lives. The key here is not to overdo it - because this might make him feel that he is being dragged into a situation that he is not ready for. You know that you are both happy to have each other, so this is one thing that you can take advantage of.
Making your guy realize that it is about time for both of you to make a lifetime commitment can be done through a series of steps: 
  • one single but sure step at a time. Try not to be too obvious when you are finding out how to get a guy to propose to you because guys can easily detect this and it might make your man panic and turn his back on you. Instead, plant some "suggestive messages" in his brain without him noticing it. Here are some tricks that you might want to try to get that proposal:
  • Hang out with friends who are already engaged to be married - this method would not be too obvious because your friends are a constant part of your lives and you are both used to having them around. Being with engaged couples would give him the curiosity to think about your relationship's current situation.
  • On a movie night, suggest to watch a movie which has a happily engaged couple as characters in the movie - even if he does not agree to watch that movie and choose to watch something else instead, you would get the chance to tell him the synopsis of the movie when he asks "What is this movie about?", which is one way to somehow make the idea of "proposal" register in his brain.
  • Try to spend more time with family - yes, there is no better way to make him feel the connection other than spending time with family and relatives. Whether it is a family dinner on your side or his side, it would work well nevertheless.

Be patient enough and you can ensure that your efforts on how to get a guy to propose to you would surely pay off. In due time, he would be able to realize that you two belong to each other, and it is about time that your relationship move on to the next level.

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