Sunday, May 20, 2012

From Dating To Marriage - How To Get The Commitment And The Ring!

So you have met who you think is "the one". After several months of dating and a relationship that seemed to be moving forward, suddenly it doesn't seem to be going anywhere at all. There are no discussions of the future. You are having these conversations with your girlfriends and sisters, but this conversation is not happening with the one who matters, him. Is he commitment challenged, does he have relationship issues or, is it you?
Well, it can't be what you are doing because everyone is telling you that you are perfectly fine and he is lucky to have you, so therefore, it must be him! That's the problem with having those discussions and looking for advise from "the girls". Now, don't get me wrong, having "girl talks" is a wonderful thing, I have them myself from time to time. In some instances they are quite helpful for certain things. One thing I personally have realized from years of observation and these conversations, is that women (wonderful creatures that we are) simply do not understand men. The mistake women make is believing that men think (and should think) like women! Wouldn't our lives be so mush easier if they did?
After years of bad relationships that went absolutely nowhere, I took some time (9 years to be exact) to study other people and their relationships. I befriended men and picked their brains about how they felt about women, what turned them on, what turned them off and what made them put on the brakes even if they loved someone. I was amazed at what I learned because women would not believe how basic and simple men truly are. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT saying they are stupid. I am saying they are NOT complicated.
What I am leading to is this. It is very possible, or even more likely, that women do or say the wrong thing, and it will cause a man to put on the brakes. You see, men, even emotional ones, feel with their gut. That's not to say they don't feel with their hearts, they do! But, their relationship decisions are made in their gut. Let's be honest here, we have all seen those couples, happy couples, the one where he just ADORES her and would give her the world. In fact, after they met, in no time at all, he presented her with a ring during some romantic evening or event. We have all seen them...and we have all wondered "what is he doing with her?" Maybe she isn't magazine beautiful, or built like Jennifer Lopez. So what is it? The answer is VERY SIMPLE! SHE UNDERSTANDS HIM!
There is a very misguided notion out there that all men are superficial and shallow. Women think that what is important is good breasts, beautiful face, great behind and that they ROCK in the bedroom. Although men appreciate these things, believe it or not, those are NOT the most important qualities men are looking for in their mate.
So, here it want a woman they can make a deep connection with. From the first date, if women are asking "resume" questions and simple small talk, it's not likely they will get very far. You need to learn to ask the questions that allow him to reveal himself to you. Men wear a suit of armor that they will not remove all at once. A woman needs to chip away at that armor so he feels comfortable revealing himself to her. Men want to be loved for who they really are, not the guy they show the rest of the world. They will love the woman who understands them and not just their paycheck or their car, or the fact that they have a great face, or great body. They want to commit to the woman who wants what they want in a future and they will not reveal that to just anyone.
Stop wasting your time on tabloid or magazine suggestions to "get your man!" Trust me, they don't have a clue, because they are written by women! If you are in a relationship that has hit the wall, you need to learn the secrets to reverse the damage. I can tell you what does NOT work...Playing hard to get, trying to manipulate him, or trying to push him. The worst thing you can do is issue the ultimatum!
If you want to get and keep that great guy you think is "the one", then the best thing you can do for yourself is learn how to let him know you understand him. I speak from experience. I met the love of my life, he proposed three months later and we were married eight months after that! He is still the love of my life and I am his. After thirteen years, it's better than it ever was! You can get that ring! You just need to learn how!
There is a GREAT Product that can help you learn how to understand what men are REALLY all about. "GIRL GETS RING" is the only product on the market right now that actually teaches you how to understand what goes on inside a man emotionally. Learn from the very first date the secret of how to get him to open up and connect with you on the deepest level. Learn how to get past the mental road blocks that keep men from moving forward and committing. Learn the shortest way to a man's heart. Stop wasting your time on methods that will only drive him further away. "GIRL GETS RING" can help you get your relationship moving again! Don't wait! Start TODAY!

Click here to get your copy of Girl Gets Ring while its still available…

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