Monday, May 21, 2012

From "Hello" to "I Do" - Getting A Man To Propose

So, you met "that guy". The one who gives you butterflies. You can't wait for the phone to ring, to hear his voice and see his face. Every time you see him you are more sure he is "the one". You see each other all the time and things are going great. You go out with his friends and yours, you have become a couple. And then your friends and family are asking if you're going to "tie the knot". Your response is always "in time, it's still new". But, in the back of your mind, you are wondering the same thing. You start picturing your wedding, who you will invite, what colors you will have, and where you will go on your honeymoon. You are picturing your future together, where you will live and your plans for after that.

But, things start to cool off on his end. He calls, but not as frequently. You go out, and on the surface things seem to be fine, but underneath he seems distant. When the subject of moving forward comes up, he has no problem saying "he is not ready for a commitment just yet." You decide you need to give him a little time to see how wonderful you are. Surely then he will realize it's time to move forward. But, time goes on, and so does your relationship. Except, your relationship is not moving forward, you have hit the wall and don't know what to do to get him past his "commitment issues".

So, you talk to your mother who gives you the "why would he buy the cow, when he gets the milk for free" speech, that's no help. You talk to your friends, and they offer all kinds of suggestions that require you to be manipulative, pushy, or the surefire "ultimatum", which is an absolute kiss of death to any relationship. Because, who really wants to get married that way. Let's face it, if it goes sour, it's your fault for forcing them into it. So, you start looking at the women's magazines that will tell you how to "catch that man of yours", or "bedroom tricks to make him yours forever". The truth is, the reason your relationship has stalled probably has nothing to do with his "commitment issues", or what tricks you don't do in the bedroom.

You see, the idea that all you need is love, is a myth. To bring your relationship to a meaningful level, there are certain things women need to understand about men. Men do not process feelings the same as women. Men feel in their gut. Don't get me wrong, they feel in their heart as well, but they process emotions via "gut feelings". An example of this would be...He takes you out someplace really expensive for dinner. Instead of talking about him, you start talking about his income, his nice car or expensive clothes...his gut tells him you may just be interested in his money. Or, you want him to know everything about you, so you continually bring up your past relationships and how they have affected you. His gut is telling him you are either comparing him to them, or you have not gotten over one.

To reach a man's gut and make a deep connection, women need to chip away at their armor by getting to know the "real him". This is not done by asking "resume" questions or making meaningless small talk. This is done by asking him questions that allow him to reveal himself to you. Men want a woman who is compatible to make their life journey with them, someone who fits them. If you are giving the impression you are not "that woman" his armor will remain in tact, and you will end up in a relationship that goes nowhere.

The most important thing a woman can do to get and keep a man, is learn how to understand them. Men are not complicated, however, deep down they do know what they want in a woman, and they do know the right one when they find her. Once you understand how to make him feel like you are the one he has been looking for his whole life, you will find the love and happiness of the marriage you have always dreamed. Take the first step to attracting and keeping your man for Love and a Long Lasting Relationship.

"Girl Gets Ring" is the book you are looking for to get your relationship moving forward. Break through his armor by letting him know "you are the one"! Learn the signals your man needs to give you, to let you know you are doing the right things in the right time frame.

Don't waste any more time on useless methods! "Girl Gets Ring" can get you from "hello" to a "boyfriend" to a "HUSBAND" BEFORE YOU KNOW IT! This is the newest and best product available to get your relationship moving forward. Don't wait! The marriage you save, may be your own!

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